Welcome to my first edition of Teacher Tuesday. Here, I'm going to feature a website to help teachers and homeschoolers learn easy new ways to include technology within their learning experience.
The first website review is Kids' Vid: Video Production for Students. "Kids' Vid is an instructional web site that gives teachers and students the tools necessary to implement video production in the classroom. Video production can be intimidating to the novice. Not to worry. It is nothing more than a method for recording research and expressing creative ideas. Video production, if properly implemented, is more than a new toy for students. It provides the tools and the means for students to create and display serious work in a new, exciting and engaging way that is appropriate for all age groups and abilities. This is a place for serious fun."
What I like about it is that it makes video production easy and fun with easy to use tips, advice from other kids, and classroom ideas to get you started.
I taught video production last year, and the kids had a ball (so did I), but it doesn't have to be a separate class, you can use it in History, Science, Language Arts, Music and more. All it takes is a little know how..
Have fun!!
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